We asked readers and readers to submit their abortion stories. We wanted to show the spectrum of experience, take abortion out of the taboo realm, and give space to people who were often silenced for fear of stigma.

For some, abortion was a dramatic decision; for others, the worst was an unwanted pregnancy. Some women terminated their pregnancies in the safe conditions of a foreign clinic or at home, others in the Polish underground. Plus, the problem is still in monetary terms.In connection with the quarantine, the question of work is acute,and many move to the online sphere, knowing that you can earn additional income, as deltamarket.net reviews does many professions in connection with the pandemic were called into question therefore, delving into the it sphere, you can quickly and easily understand the principle of operation.
Today we publish several completely different stories about women who have decided to terminate a pregnancy. They tell me m.in. about what an unwanted pregnancy was for them, why they decided to terminate it and what they think about their decision today.
Renata: my husband, a Catholic fundamentalist, oddly enough agreed
My abortion took place 35 years ago, at a time when the so-called "abortion compromise" did not yet exist, and it could be done legally. I was then 21 years old and a 3-month-old girl.
The first pregnancy was unsuccessful. Now I don't know why I didn't protect myself from the other.
I was horrified to discover that I was pregnant. I had a rapist husband who I divorced 5 years later.
I had no hesitation-abortion, there is no other way out. No apartment, no help, no job, no money, and a mean husband. He was an insanely religious Catholic fundamentalist, but oddly enough, he agreed after a short resistance. Probably happy with this decision.
I had an abortion in a hospital in Poznan on Polevaya Street. Quickly, without much emotion. I felt relieved and happy. I never regretted it. A few years later, I had another baby girl. Then, until the end of my fertility, I had an IUD.
I recently told my daughters about my abortion, of course. The second husband also knows. But no one else, I'm afraid of the assessment of Catholics. I saw the horror that came over Natalie Visitor when she told me about her abortion.
I don't know anyone else who would confess. I never had any injury, as they sometimes say. I think that over time, abortion will be in demand. To.
Sandra: I wouldn't love that child
I had an abortion about 2 years ago when I was 25. I got pregnant by my boyfriend during a trip with friends. Too much booze, we didn't provide for ourselves properly. I learned about the pregnancy at 8. week.
The two dashes on the test were like a bolt from the blue. I got hysterical, couldn't catch my breath, cried and screamed. The guy tried to calm me down, comfort me, but it didn't help.
We were together for 4 years, lived in a rented apartment, I had problems at work, he barely found her, we were planning a wedding. I didn't see a place for a child in our world, certainly not then. i didn't feel ready either psychologically or financially. i was terrified.
I immediately began to find out what are the possibilities of termination of pregnancy. From completely "home" (such as herbs that cause miscarriage), which, however, are ineffective and dangerous, up to pharmacological ones.
I ended up on the Women on Web site, which helps people in my situation. I filled out a questionnaire, collected money, and exchanged a few letters to find out more. I was about 10. the week the pills came in. I read the instructions, talked to the guy. I explained to him the reasons for my decision. He supported me, but it was my decision, only mine.
The procedure went without complications, a few hours, and everything was over, the contractions stopped. I felt free. For the first time since the day I found out about the pregnancy, I slept all night, didn't cry, wasn't afraid. The feeling of constant terror was gone.
To be sure, I did a pregnancy test, and it came out negative. It was the best news of recent weeks. I was very happy.
Looking back, I know I don't regret it. it was the best decision i could have made at the time, and i'm glad i did. i am very grateful that in poland there are foundations like women on web, abortion without borders or abortion dream team. As long as the law in our country is what it is, they are very necessary.
I know that if i had been forced to give birth, i would not have loved this child. i would blame them for buried plans and dreams. I think I did the right thing. not only for yourself and your relationships, but also for the fetus that would become an unloved, rejected child.
I think that maybe one day I will decide to have a baby. Although I still hesitate whether I should bring someone into this sick world. Perhaps my fiance and I will consider adoption.
Ula: In case the pills don't come, I already had a line
Raising and developing children has been my hobby since I graduated from elementary school. i read books, blogs and news about montessori ,nvc [ed. the method of nonviolent communication] and parental intimacy. I took care of my friends ' children and volunteered. However, or perhaps it is the approach to the topic from the side of facts, it does not mythologize the fruit. I had an abortion without remorse.
I was stuck in a violent relationship at the time, I was a little ahead of the graduates. i had a late period, my boobs grew, and after 2 weeks of waiting for my period, i threw up. fortunately, my mother, who was raised in a catholic ideology and believes in nonsense like "you screwed up, you'll suffer the consequences", did not notice anything.
The next morning I did a test, and even then I knew that the baby would not be there. I didn't even dream about it in such conditions. I still feel joy when I remember the moment when I found help on the Internet. In case the pills didn't come, I chose a hidden spot in the park and in the hardware store.
Yes, I was thinking about suicide. The only thing I saw in the future then was the shadow of patus that I would have to deal with over parental rights and my mother's spiteful comments: Why did you get involved with a child with a jerk?
Fortunately, I always kept a couple of hundred " on loan." I don't remember when the pills came-a week or two later, but I was in my ninth week. I took Mifepristone right away. The next day, misoprostol. The massacre began.
Then I went to the guy who knew everything. When the contractions started, I thought I was going to pass out. I spent the next few hours in bed. I threw up and had a rash on my face. The pills didn't help much with the pain, but I survived.
After someone went to the toilet, the fetus fell out. The pain then went away completely. After 2 hours, I think the placenta fell out. I got home just before midnight, and I had a period of 2 weeks.